I believe it is safe to say that a vast majority of us really have changed our spending habits within the last two years. Considering Covid-19 and our lives being turned into complete turmoil we have had to make a few radical changes especially when it comes to our budgets and financial outlook going forward. With South Africa dealing with two massive economic crises, from an unseen enemy to not being able to provide a necessity of keeping the lights on you could say that we aren’t doing the best considering given circumstances. Without trying to be too doom and gloom our future as South Africans really isn’t seeming very positive, in terms of economic growth, opportunity or overall quality of life.
We are stuck in a grey cloud that will not move past, spitting us with rain every time we kid ourselves in believing it is getting better. However, some positives we can grasp onto amid all this negativity includes the upcoming festive season.

With Christmas around the corner and the famous Black Friday things are seeming to be getting more exciting despite everything else. Many of us are familiar with the term Black Friday, that encompasses massive deals and discounts in all our favourite shops. However, most of us do not actually know how this day came to be and why it has its renowned name.
Black Friday originated in Philadelphia, dating back to 1961, where it was used by police to describe the heavy pedestrian and vehicular traffic that would occur on the day after Thanksgiving.
But the true story of Black Friday is darker. The term “Black Friday” was first used on Sept. 24, 1869, when two investors, Jay Gould, and Jim Fisk, drove up the price of gold and caused a crash that day. The stock market dropped 20% and foreign trade stopped. Farmers suffered a 50% dip in wheat and corn harvest value.
In the 1950s, Philadelphia police used the “Black Friday” term to refer to the day between Thanksgiving and the Army-Navy game. Huge crowds of shoppers and tourists went to the city that Friday, and cops had to work long hours to cover the crowds and traffic. Merchants in the area tried to change the name to “Big Friday,” but the alternative name never caught on.
It’s a great day for retailers, but Black Friday has always represented the dark side of American consumerism, too. Over the years, frenzied crowds competing for discounted merchandise have resulted in violence and injuries, including 12 deaths. And even though shoppers probably won’t have to deal with gridlocked roads and overcrowded stores this year as social distancing is enforced, the financial devastation experienced by businesses and individuals alike because of the pandemic will help to encourage consumers to make use of this day now more than ever.

We at Chintax are here to help spread some positive light on this situation both literally and metaphorically. With amazing products such as our LED Lamp we will help keep the lights on for you as well as provide a full 10% discount off everything on this day ONLY. Combating the hardships of this year by offering our customers a once off great discount as well as sourcing products that help make your lives easier despite the government’s lack of providing.
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