
Chintax was founded in 1993 from humble beginnings by Pam Sutton, thriving off customer satisfaction and loyalty with a team that is dedicated, available and excited to help out wherever they can!

Due to aggressive marketing and commitment to customer service, the company has shown steady growth in the realms of computer accessories and electronic goods. Chintax is LEVEL 4 BEE company and is dedicated to customer service and the sourcing of current, affordable and functional products!

Chintax employs a dedicated team of 6 people who operate from a purchased premises in Diep River. Chintax, the sole importer into South Africa of the CHINTAX range of Computer Accessories and distributor to major stationary, computer and media retail companies nationwide. Chintax also offers a free delivery service in the Cape Peninsula for orders over R700.00 and a monthly account facility to approved dealers. Delivery to other areas in South Africa can be arranged upon request. Chintax offers a 1 year “no fuss” warranty on all our products from date of sale. Simply return the faulty product in its original packaging to our office for immediate credit.

The Team

LAUREN: Our General Manager – She has been at CHINTAX for over 15 years and is the heart of the business! Lauren has a passion for people and loves visiting customers. With years of experience in the field she is knowledgable and extremely happy to help wherever she can.

MARTIN: Stores, Delivery and Front of House – He is our fantastic Delivery representative and able to answer any questions you have when it comes to cables, adaptors, plugs or any other computer accessories.

CHRISTINA: Packing, Returns and Warranty – She packs the orders and sorts any returns or warranties. Dedicated to ensuring the smooth running of the office and sorting of the facilities so business processes may run efficiently!