A Sustainable Future!
To preserve the longevity of our planet we need to take personal initiatives on sustainability issues. This includes helping to do our bit, however small it may seem to preserve the longevity of the planet. A study by MasterCard within South Africa found that 98% of adults in South Africa were willing to take personal action against issues on sustainability. With 81% of them being mindful of their impact on the environment showing just how important it is for each one of us to do what we can!
With social media appearing to be even more socially and environmentally conscious in recent years. This signals a growing trend toward eco-conscious spending and consumption among people who want to turn their efforts and purchases into meaningful action for the planet. Not only is it vital that individuals ensure their responsibility and help in their own personal capacity but for companies to lead by example and put in effort towards a brighter future! The survey indicated three quarters (76%) of South African respondents think it’s now more important for businesses and brands to do more for the environment. Nearly half of respondents (45%) will give more value to brands that act in a responsible, transparent, and honest way.

Buying less impulsively by being more aware of purchases is one of the top changes South African respondents will make as a result from COVID-19.
As consumers across the globe call on companies and brands to behave in more sustainable and eco-friendly ways, respondents in South Africa highlighted the top three issues they want companies and brands to focus on, besides dealing with the pandemic. Specifically, they want brands to focus on the health and wellbeing of their employees (39%), reduce waste (34%), and reduce air and water pollution (34%).
Furthermore, three quarters (76%) of adults surveyed in South Africa feel reducing their carbon footprint is more important now than pre-pandemic. In 2021, 48% of adults in South Africa will actively try to recycle more, while 42% want to learn more about environmental subjects.
We at Chintax South Africa are also trying to do our bit helping to reduce our waste and source environmentally conscious products. With a focus on upcycling while still ensuring our products are both functional and affordable for our customers.
A brand new product to our range is our Recycled Laptop Stand which has been designed using recycled bottles. It is super light, easy to transport and helps preserve the quality of your laptop. This is a locally manufactured product, adding extra protection for your laptop when in your bag and travelling from place to place.
The new Chintax Sustainable Laptop Stand has been designed to ensure a better working environment. Not only is this product completely upcycled but it is loaded with features and health benefits!
Whether at home, in the office or at a coffee shop this stand provides you with a better working position ensuring your laptop will not overheat or get scratched. Giving you 4 different options for positioning with greater ergonomic benefits to your body! Ideal for ensuring your wrists are in the right position as well as your back (sitting posture) is correct.
Being locally manufactured, made from recycled bottles and with great ergonomic benefits to your body and posture as well as helping to preserve the lifetime of your laptop.
Eliminates scratching, no overheating, and an increase in long term health!
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